Vivian Iwu
Putting on formal clothes makes us feel powerful, and that changes the basic way we see the world.
What you wear can also give you leverage in negotiations.
Fashion doesn’t just impact other people’s impressions of us. It affects how we think and feel about ourselves.
A study found out that formal clothing — suits, ties, dress shirts — makes people think more abstractly and holistic. There’s no doubt, formal clothes make people think more like leaders.
Another study showed that men in suits negotiated better than their sweatpants and flip flop-wearing counterparts.
You will agree with me that you behave more dominantly, when you compromise less, and part of that is because your interaction partner is allowing you to get away with more.
Research also shows that fashion is the vehicle through which humans can command and project more confidence.
Therefore, if you want to be powerful, dress like a powerhouse in a suit and tie or pant suit.
When you wish to dress powerful, think of the most powerful person you know–what would they wear?
Wear bold colors that stand out and make you feel great.