4 basic ideas in matching cloths

Avoid tops that are too close to your skin tone. It makes you appear pale and washed out.

Vivian Iwu

Have you ever been admired with the complement of wearing “to match!”
It’s unlike what kids do during festive season: pointing out similar cloths people wear and counting them along the road, making their walks pleasurable sometimes.

Today, fashion experts gave us four things to keep in mind while bearing that complement “to match” in mind.

These are:
1. One of the most difficult challenges in menswear is making the clothes look interesting and exciting without turning them into costume. In Menswear, neutrals are the KEY to outfits that ALWAYS “match” and never clash.

2. For unisex, meaning both men and women, contrast is key. Light top, dark bottom, light shoes. Dark top, light bottom, dark shoes. You want a good amount of contrast among the three.

3. Stay away from tonal outfits (all three pieces being the same color, or close in value), even when it’s Ankara, combinations make better outfits. It can be pulled off successfully, but also has the possibility of looking kind of terrible if all three pieces are same.

4. Avoid tops that are too close to your skin tone. It makes you appear pale and washed out.

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